BAI reaccredits USC animal facility

The Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) has renewed the animal welfare registration of the University’s Laboratory Animal Facility (LAF-0022) until July 2024.

The USC Laboratory Animal Facility houses around 50 rats and 50 mice in its BAI-accredited breeding facility. Among the registered animal facilities in the region, only USC has the authority to breed rats and mice. For experimental work, the facility can accommodate up to 1,000 rodents. Laboratory animal technician Glen Mark Pianar is responsible for the care of the animals in the facility.

Lab animal technician Pianar cares for the rodents in the facility (left). Students work under supervision in a separate area from the breeding facility (right).

This certification was issued after a BAI team inspected the University’s facilities in July 2021. Inquiries on the availability of rodents and use of the facility for experimentation should be directed to the USC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Secretariat through Geillecar Bucog.

Members of the DA-BAI accrediting team pose with IACUC member Queenie Marie Maquilang (left), Pianar (2nd from left) and RDEPO Director Patrick John Lim (4th from left) after the inspection.

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