Fmr. BEd Director Jugar heads CALOHEA Project

Former Basic Education Director Dr. Richard R. Jugar, now a faculty member of the Science and Mathematics Education Section of the School of Education, was appointed as the Main Subject Area Group Coordinator (SAGC) for Teacher Education in the “Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia” (CALOHEA) Project involving 15 universities in Southeast Asia.

Previously, Jugar was also the Main SAGC for Teacher Education for the Erasmus-funded Tuning Asia Southeast (TASE) Project involving 12 universities in Southeast Asia from 2017-2019.

Dr. Jugar also heads the USC Institutional CALOHEA Team that includes Vice President for Academic Affairs Fr. Jesuraj Anthoniappen, SVD, Ph.D., Mariter Malonjao, M.A. and Carina Trinidad, M.A. from the School of Education, and Engr. Irish Dakay, M.S., ASEAN Eng. from the Office of Quality Assurance.

The CALOHEA project unites 31 institutions across eight countries within the ASEAN region and five countries within Europe to work in international Subject Area Groups (SAGs) that include Civil Engineering, Medicine, and Teacher Education. The ASEAN University Network (AUN) acts as coordinator within the SEA region, while the University of Groningen in the Netherlands is the general project coordinator.

CALOHEA focuses on internationalization and the three key Recognition Mechanisms that include:

  1. Creation and use of Regional Subject-Specific Qualifications and Assessment Reference Frameworks to permit greater comparability of institutional degree program profiles;
  2. Instalment of the culture of Student Workload Measurement as an integral part of curriculum design; and
  3. Implementation of Authentic Assessment of internationally comparable Learning Outcomes in degree programs.

The CALOHEA project is funded under the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices-Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education competitive funding scheme, which is supported by the European Commission. The project formally commenced last January 15, 2021 and will be completed within the next three years.

More information about the project can be found at

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